
Winalign update
Winalign update


If this is the wrong forum for a problem like this please let me know & maybe point me in the right direction. I almost forgot to mention, this thing is running Windows 95. Any info you will need I will have to print out or write down & type on my other computer. FYI - that machine is not connected to the internet.


I really don't have the funds to upgrade to a new machine & any help would be appreciated. Is this something that will never work or can someone help me get this thing running again. WinAlign examines the source and target language te xts to determine which sentence pairs belong together and creates a file which is then imported into Translator’s Workbench.


The Hunter WA console is also the central hub of Pro-Align’s Fully Integrated Alignment (FIA) system, of which the WinAlign11 software is a key factor. Wheel Alignment for Performance Vehicles Hunter Engineering. WinAlign 11 automatically alerts technicians if the vehicle being aligned requires SAS reset and includes simple procedures to quickly and easily reset the sensor. Doug Woolvertons Two-Minute Drill- Hunter Engineering.


Hunters WinAlign Spec Update with TPMSpecs. The Machine has electronic keys(look like old house fuses) that need to comunicate with the PC for the alignment equipment to operate & they do this through the port that is not communicating. WinAlign Software Hunter Engineering Company. WinAlign 7.1 or higher, WinAlign 9.1 or higher, WinAlign 11.0 or higher Hunter alignment software (included in VAG1944B, VAS6292 package) HunterVAGSpecUpdateOct2013V201304USA.exe Hunter VAG Spec Update Instructions 5056-T1304USA (attachment) Installation: Read Hunter VAG Spec Update Instructions 5056-T1304USA. The only major problem I have encountered is one com port is not communicating. It runs now but obviously with some conflicts. I stuck another motherboard & processor in the alignment PC. So.over the weekend I went up in the attic & dusted off the old pc's I had pack-ratted. With Quick Tread Edge, service providers can maximize tire sales and provide customers with informative, in-depth inspection results. Hunter Engineering’s next-generation drive-over tread depth measuring tool, Quick Tread EdgeTM is now available for order.

winalign update

The Hunter alignment repair guy said it was obsolete & I would have to upgrade to a new machine($$$$$$$$$$$$$). Hunter’s unmanned inspection system captures alignment and tire tread results without the need for labor. They didn't want to get involved with something so old I guess. Only a qualified trained technician should operate the Series 811 aligner. The owner of the Series 811 aligner is solely responsible for arranging technical training.

winalign update

They said it was a bad motherboard & sent it back. WinAlign® software version 8.x is a 32-bit program and is compatible only with Windows 2000® or above. I took the antique PC out & sent it to the computer shop we deal with. It worked great for about 2 months & it died. I bought an OLD Hunter alignment machine in the spring.

  • HW2 PCs may be identified by the S/N: HW2xx-xxxxxxĬall the Hunter Customer Service Department at 1-80 for specific warranty information.Hi, Please help.

  • WinAlign 16 is compatible with the Windows 10 operating system on HW2 series PC only.
  • winalign update

  • Articulated bus support for 1-front, 1-rear, 1-trailer configuration.
  • On-screen labels specify whether measurement or adjustment tolerances are currently used.
  • Menu search available for WinAlign setup.
  • Integration improvements - send one-way inspection data up to three different partners.

  • How to videos explaining WinAlign remain on the machine WinAlign 9.0 compliments alignment service The newest version of Hunters WinAlign alignment software supports new features and capabilities that can increase profitability by speeding up alignment service and addressing new OEM service requirements.
  • Browse videos links to Hunter's YouTube channel (internet required), ensuring access to the latest video updates.
  • AlignGuide updates now enabled by default on premium aligners.
  • WinAlign 16.0 upgrades require a minimum HW2 PC or newer to operate and include a current year spec key. Shops with WinAlign 16.2 and Hunter’s unmanned inspection system, Quick Check Drive and Quick Tread Edge, can now generate automatic tire recommendations for motorists when integrated with Dealer Tire. Adds heavy duty functionality to a light vehicle aligner.Īlong with the latest updates, WinAlign 16.0 includes support for Quick Check Drive and the Hunter Hand Held Inclinometer. LOUIS Hunter is pleased to release WinAlign 16.2, which brings new features and compatibility to customers with Hunter alignment and inspection equipment.

    Winalign update